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Test drive for career-fit

Go beyond the resume by joining short-term projects where career candidates and potential employers can assess compatibility.

Where potential meets opportunity.

We connect emerging and transitioning professionals to 2-5 week projects where they develop real client experience, receive on-the-job coaching, and discover what to look for in their ideal workplace.


Employers can see a candidate's hidden skills, abilities and behaviors in action, ensuring they find the best-fit candidate regardless of background.

Go beyond the resume




internships help explore culture, but interns lack agency

contract work can drive real value, but feels disconnected

Experiences where candidates find belonging and drive impact

Otterwise projects go a step beyond internships, apprenticeships or contract work. 

By working on real client projects, candidates have agency and take pride in what they build. Projects are designed to allow candidates and employers to bond and experience what it is like working with each other, fostering long-term working relationships where employees feel purpose and belonging.

Compare hard and soft skills to what the job really needs

We help employers more realistically define what skill level is needed for the role. We measure how candidates perform and develop during each project, then show where their current abilities lie and where they have strong potential for growth.

This helps show employers where candidates can hit the ground running versus where they would benefit under mentorship.


Find career satisfaction and develop competencies faster

Project-based learning, when combined with our expert coaches, peer support, and professional development workshops, help candidates better define which skills and job functions they excel at, love the most, and can develop further in.

Employers gain insight into what kind of responsibilities, opportunities, and support their new hires need to maximize career satisfaction and growth trajectory.






High-demand careers

Why Otterwise

Why Otterwise?

The only way to test whether the career and culture is the right fit for you before committing to a job.


Learn how to describe your skills and passion in the language of the workplace


Experience a week or month-in-the-life with hands-on projects for real startups


Receive guidance, advice and career support from top mentors in your industry


Replace the resumes and application process with projects that get you hired

We're leveling the playing field

At Otterwise, we believe that if you can do the job, you should get the job.


Otterwise ensures all candidates are considered equally for their merits and potential rather than their background by hosting projects where they can show what they can do, rather than what they've done.

Join the otters

Job Seekers

Join an Otterwise project to build relevant experience and launch your career in less time.


Discover highly motivated, pre-vetted talent to solve a business need and hire with 40% less risk.

What otters are saying

"The value of Otterwise is in allowing candidates to demonstrate what they can do, so I can see if they're a compatible match from the beginning. By seeing the projects people have done, it's like I turn on the "superhost" filter on AirBnB - I don't have to worry about making the wrong hire because I know these are vetted people."
Mina from Driblet AI



startup weekend

2nd Place and People's Choice
Richmond, VA 2024


1st Place
Richmond, VA 2023

True skills-based hiring

We're opening the door to career opportunities based on skills, passion, and potential.
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